Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Scrappy Hero Pups & why MGD is kind of a big deal.

Whilst lounging around the casa recently I had an epiphany-ish moment of sorts. Twas surfing the interwebs of bloggy informative goodness in bed with MGD while watching 'Clerks' and the following scene struck me fast & hard in the funny bone.

[Randal is on the phone when a woman and little girl come to the counter]
'Happy-Scrappy' Mom: Excuse me, do you sell videos?
Randal Graves: Yeah, what're you looking for?
'Happy-Scrappy' Mom: Happy Scrappy Hero Pup.
Randal Graves: Uh, one second. I'm on the phone with the distribution house now, lemme make sure they got it.
Randal Graves: What's it called again?
'Happy-Scrappy' Mom: Happy Scrappy Hero Pup.
'Happy-Scrappy' Kid: Happy Scrappy!
'Happy-Scrappy' Mom: She loves it.
Randal Graves: Obviously.
[into the phone]
Randal Graves: Uh, yeah, hi. This is RST Video calling. Customer number 4352, I'd like to place an order. Okay, I need one each of the following tapes: "Whispers in the Wind", "To Each His Own", "Put It Where It Doesn't Belong", "My Pipes Need Cleaning", "All Tit-Fucking Volume 8", "I Need Your Cock", "Ass-Worshipping Rim-Jobbers", "My Cunt and Eight Shafts", "Cum Clean", "Cum-Gargling Naked Sluts", "Cum Buns III", "Cumming in Socks", "Cum On Eileen", "Huge Black Cocks with Pearly White Cum", "Girls Who Crave Cock", "Girls Who Crave Cunt", "Men Alone II: The KY Connection", "Pink Pussy Lips", oh, yeah, and, uh, "All Holes Filled with Hard Cock". Yup. Oh, wait a minute.
[to the woman]
Randal Graves: Uh, what was that called again?

Aaaaaaaahahahahahahaha. Ha. Ha. Haaaaaaaaaa. Sigh. So. Effin. Funny. My apologies for the highly inappropriate language used in this scene (if it makes you feel any better, I didn't type it all out and only copy/pasted it from IMDB) but it served it's purpose when I discuss my next point. That point being 'blog search terms'. I find lots of entertainment in how people end up finding the pissed liBEERian blog via key word searches. Here are my favorite findings so far, I wonder why they are all so dirty...

  • buzz effing woody
  • hot snow bunnies in bed
  • is the shocker enjoyable
  • getting a happy ending Tacoma
  • port-a-potty urinal (ok, that one might be legit due to the lovely picture I took above from TCBF)
  • licking ice sculpture dick
  • www libeerian sexy girl (hmmm, perhaps not such a 'random' search after all)
  • clothing optional abbey house
  • the Real MGD Tacoma (I know, right?! Now you get my Happy Scrappy Hero Pup reference from Clerks?)
It super tickles me when we go out to pubs or attend events and people exclaim "You're MGD!" when they see us together. Even better is when we're hanging out with people we've known for quite some time in the local beer community, MGD leaves the conversation and our friends ask me "What's MGD's real name anyways?" Now don't go getting all excited 'cause while I do tell them his name, I'm not revealing his true identity on the blog for public consumption.

After all, he has a reputation to protect. Mine's been a loss for quite some time now.

Here are a few more search terms that I thought were either weird & worth noting:
  • I could not finish 2 rounds of beer (this scares me...)
  • drinking arm
  • apron
  • Resco watches (from Downrange to Downtown bitches, love these watches! If you do a Google image search with these keywords, the picture below comes up. MGD possesses dos Resco timepieces and they are my favorite to 'borrow'. He took both watches on his current sojourn so I'm beginning to go through some hardcore withdrawals. Wonder if Resco does loaner watches... I know the owner/watch maker himself, which you'd think would give me an in to the whole loaner thang but probably not so much. He's also kind of a big deal but his taste in beer needs some working on...)

 kind of a big happy scrappy deal,
the pissed liBEERian
(and apparently MGD too)

 Pictoral works courtesy of The Real MGD & Myself

    1 comment:

    1. Randall the video store clerk is a cinema classic. The 'Happy Scrappy' scene is second only to the Death Star morals debate.
