Monday, May 23, 2011

Seattle Beer Week - 7 more days of potential fun!

Numerous days of Seattle Beer Week left!
Here's what looks UBER awesome to me if I had like 5 clones and unlimited monies and minions to do it all....

Monday 23rd
  • Beveridge Place Pub (all day) This Is Washington Dammit! Twenty-four Washington beers, all from different breweries. $3 pints and WINGMAN BREWERS will be on tap!
  • Columbia City Ale House (6-9p) Odin Brewery will be featuring their Belgian Wit & Ruby Ale (one of my FAVES!), buy a pint and keep the glass!
Tuesday 24th
  • Big Time Brewery & Alehouse (all day) Mini (6) IPA Fest. Self explanatory event.
  • Bottleworks (3-6p) New Belgium Sensory Class. Learn common defects in beer and why you shouldn't have to drink it. Hosted by Sir Jamie Mastin.
  • Brouwer's Cafe (5-10p) Burgers n' Beers Bash. 5 burgers and 5 world class brewers. Go eat some meat, 'cause I'm sure as hell not gonna.
  • Brave Horse Tavern (6-9p) Schooner Exact Cask Night. Yet another self explanatory event.
Wednesday 25th
  • 99 Bottles (4-6p) Craft Beers of the NW with Lisa Morrison. $3 for 5 Pacific NW craft beers, come earliest for widest selection. Meet beer talk radio hostess, beer author and the beer goddess Lisa Morrison, and have her sign a copy of your book. (have not gotten my copy yet but can't wait to read!)
  •  Malt & Vine (5-8p) Oregon's HUB vs. Olympia's Fish Brewing. Self Explanatory. Oh and HUB is freakin'awesome!
  • Full Throttle Bottles (6-9p) Ladies of Craft Beer. Meetup sponsored by FTB & Pike B.C. Come network, conversate & imbibe. I'll be there!
Thursday 26th
  • Brouwer's Cafe (11a-11:45p) Sour Fest. No details needed, just show up.
  • Columbia City Alehouse (6-9p) Big Al Night. The crew will be on hand to discuss the greatness that is Big Al and serve up some of their Summer Ale & IPA.
Friday 27th
  • Super Deli Mart (all day) Plenteous Growlers: New Belgium. Hop on over to try some goodness from the Lips of Faith collection. La Folie & Le Terroir... yes please!
  • 99 Bottles (5-6p) Dogfish Head Limiteds. For $5 doll hairs come taste 5 DFHead brews and meet/chat with Bryant Goulding of Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales. (SBW Events lists this event happening on Sunday, confirmed with Tiffany of 99 Bottles that it is on Friday @ 5p!)
  • Fiddler's Inn (7-11p) Night of the Living Nanos. Brewers from three of WA's smallest breweries unite.
Saturday 28th
  • Pub at Piper's Creek (3-8p) CAN-Tathalon Beer Olympics. 6 Teams. Events include: CAN-Struction, CAN-You Shotgun, CAN-You Bullseye,CAN-Putt, CAN-You Barstool Stack, CAN-Toss, CAN-You CAN CAN? Click here for more details and to sign up.
  • Duck Island (6-11p) Eve of the Apple II. Take a break from beer and enjoy some fine ciders accompanied by cheese pairings.
  • Collins Pub (7-9:30p) Sound Brewing Coursed Dinner. Sound Brewing beer paired with lovely food from Collins, can't go wrong!
Sunday 29th
  • Fremont Brewing Company (12p-2p) BBQ & Free Liver Testing. Free BBQ and "Oh Sweet Baby Jesus, What Have I Done to My Liver?" testing. Hahahahaha!
  • Old Town Alehouse (12-3p) Pliny Who? Does not specify which Pliny will be on tap (Elder or Younger) but I suggest getting their early if you want any.
  • CLOSING CEREMONY @ The Yard Cafe (all stinkin' day) Grand Opening of The Yard Cafe and the grand closing of Seattle Beer Week. Beer, tacos, sunshine... activate!

I hope everyone got a chance to celebrate Seattle Beer Week at one of these events or one of the many others that were scheduled

The Pacific Northwest is an amazing place to be if you are a craft beer lover like me. I feel blessed every week, including this one.
the pissed liBEERian

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Seattle Beer Week is knocking at your door. Will you answer?

Seattle Beer Week starts NOW! Like... 5 minutes ago.
Thursday, May 19th until Saturday, May 29th. 

There are loads of events to partake in, all of which can be found here. I've listed the ones that caught my eye. Get out there and have some fun in the name of Seattle and in the name of good beer!

Thursday May 19th
  • Maritime Pacific Brewery (5:30-7p) - Celebrate the Official Kick Off (#1) of Seattle Beer Week with the first tapping of the official 2011 beer week beer, brewed by Maritime Pacific. Kick Off Party #2 rolls into Brouwer's (7-8p), Kick Off #3 at Pyramid (8-9p) then Kick Off #4 at Naked City (9-11:45p). You can do it!
  • Uber Tavern (4p til close) - 2010 Dogfish Head World Wide Stout & 120min IPA on tap. No joke. (Not an official SBW event, but it's happening.)
  • Beveridge Place Pub (6-11:45p) - Cask-O-Rama! All Seattle beers, all cask conditioned, check!
Friday May 20th
  • Hopvine, Fiddler's Inn & Latona Pub (5-11p) - Attend the video release of The Fine Art of Beer Making and collaborative beer release, at one of these fine establishments.
  • Full Tilt Ice Cream (6-8p) - Pike flavored ice creams and FLOATS!!!! Hosted by Laura Stoudt.
  • Brave Horse Tavern (6-8p) - Check out this awesome new location for Silver City Night! Good times and prizes!
Saturday May 21st
  • 99 Bottles (10a-12p) - Beer & D'Oh-Nuts tasting. $3 for a fresh donut from The Donut & Muffin Factory; paired with an orange wheat, espresso stout and bacon beer. Why. Am. I. Stuck. At. Work. During. This. Time?
  • Pike Brewing Company (11a-8p) - Tour de Pints III (click here for route) Annual bike-ride-pub-crawl, Bike + Beer = Win! Again: Why. Am. I. Stuck. At. Work. During. This. Time? 
  • if you don't bike...
  • Pyramid Brewery (12-5p) - Hop On! Bus/Pub Crawl. $30, must book in advance. Details here.
  • Jillian's Billiards (5-9p) - Get Twisted. Think beer specials and a huge-normous inflatable Twister board resulting in prizes for you...
  • Leary Traveler (7-10p) - Classic Beers for Classy Ladies. Beer and networking for a great cause this evening, Washington Women In Need. $25, space is limited. Info and tickets here.
 Sunday May 22nd
  • Duck Island Ale House (4-9p) - Fire & Ice.  Chili & lagers! (they have pinball too, just sayin')
  • Beveridge Place Pub (5-8p) - Iron Brewer Triple Header! BPP picked the ingredients, they brewed the beer, you pick the winner. Japanese themed ingredients this year, portion of proceeds go to earthquake relief organizations.

I have deemed the previous events AWESOME & NOTEWORTHY in my world. You can find additional info on them and many more happenings, by clicking right freaking here.

No, I didn't get lazy and end the info at Sunday. Just not sure if you can handle much more awesomeness than this right now... Will pick & choose & tell you where you need to be at for the remainder of Seattle Beer Week, so stay tuned for a similar blog post later this weekend.

just get out there and love on some local beer in the 206!
the pissed liBEERian

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

American Craft Beer Week - Day 3

What I really wanted this blog title to be: American Craft Beer Week - Day 3. I have moments of random consistency dear readers! Plus the less time I spend out on the town drinking beer, the more time I have to write about it. Weird.

But that seemed on the long side.

My celebratory ACBW beer of choice for the night is a Dogfish Head Chicory Stout (paired with the delicious crab & avercado salad my buddy made for me) while watching The Namesake. I think. Okay I only really started paying attention when some nerdy hot chick was drinking tea while wearing kewt glasses and fishnets. I liked her. Otherwise, the movie sucked. I demand a refund on my free library rental!

MGD is in Brooklyn enjoying all sorts of things I wish my mouth were (like a fresh Six Point Saison @ Iona) so my response is to have another east coast beer. Enjoyed in the Blue Point BC glass that I got from owner of said Grand Street pub, Victor Boyd. Set, Game & Match. (Post Publication EDIT-When I don't send blogs to MGD for editing prior to publishing, he loves to send me emails telling me what's wrong w/ them. Something about the correct saying being 'Game, set & match'. Reply entails: SUCK IT CUPCAKE, I SAY WHAT I WANT!)

It is good to know that American Craft Beer Week is being celebrated from sea to shining sea. I did realize today tho, exactly why MGD & I work so well in a relationship. See most recent correspondence below...

Tuesday - MGD sends TM with the following picture and a message saying "Muah! Ha ha ha ha!" (When I read it y'day I read it as 'kiss, ha ha ha ha' but in typing it just now I'm perceiving more of an evil laughter 'muahahahaha'. hmmmmm...) Still, just rude. (EDIT-evil laughter confirmed this morning. I suppose it suits his nature better. Sigh.)

Wednesday (today) - MGD sent me an email with my flight itinerary to Chicago and an accompanying TM saying that he got me window seats out there but I'd be stuck in the middle on the way home. My reply is not a 'Thank you' nor an 'I love you' or even an 'I can't wait to see you in 2 weeks!'

Instead, I reply with 'What happened to First Class ya cheap Bustard??!!' ('Cause I'm pretty sure all that will be waiting for me in coach is something resembling the Airways Sky Hag.)

If you can't tell, our love & affection is based off of a mutual love of harassment while taking the piss out of each other. It keeps things new and exciting.

 the 7th funawesome thing that happened in my day:
When I did a Google image search for Airways Sky Hag,
the picture below came up on the first row of the first page.
Pretty sure I know that boob, pretty sure I know that bicep.
Doesn't get any better than that!
Good night and sweet dreams,

the pissed liBEERian

Photography work by RealMGD

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

American Craft Beer Week - Day 2 & 1 green eyed lady

American Craft Beer Week
May 17th, 2011
Day 2

Celebratory antics included a visit to MSM (Magical Sandwich Makers in Tacoma, WA for those of you who just don't know) for Dogfish Head Aprihop. They didn't disappoint, but they never do, so no surprise there. Drank a bottle (okay, two...) while watching The NeverEnding Story. I don't know what my movie selections have to do with American Craft Beer Week but it sets the tone, mkay?

Happy to report that the bottled (2011) variety of Aprihop is much tastier then the two times I had it on tap recently.

Cue photographic transition from ACBW info to the Green Eyed reference

Me, drinking my Aprihop in bed. For those of you unenlightened folks, Aprihop is made by Dogfish Head. Which just happens to be where MGD went today... with. out. me.

In all fairness, it's not like I had the option or capacity to join him. He was in Virginia, visiting the Falls Church DFHead Brewpub. I would have been equally saddened if he didn't stop by DFHead, but that is truly irrelevant.

He's on a road trip driving across the country and beer related stops are mandatory. In a couple of weeks I'll be meeting him in Chicago and we'll have even more beer related adventures to write about when we're back. He gave me permission (hahaha, funny right?!) to pre-blog his action so here's what he was up to today.

Hellhound On My Ale
Blend of the Black&Blue, Red&White and Palo Santo Marron. MGD declared that it would take an hour to rate this beer it is so complex...

Naturally, a trip to the bathroom came next before hitting the road.
Lovely, Lovely Taps.
Total rudeness. Sent to me w/ a message saying: Muah. Hahaha!
Next stop Brooklyn, if he can survive the nightmarish traffic. Or what some of us like to call karma.

I'm stoked (secretly) that one of our unit got to make an appearance at Dogfish Head but naturally had to do my typical thang out of jealousy. This equals...
  • Receive onslaught of TM pictures from MGD, manage to not throw my phone.
  • Reply with a smiling picture of me labeled 'before I got your TMs'
  • Send 2nd reply with a sad picture of me (eye drops may have been used to simulate tears) labeled 'after I got your TMs'
  • Laff ass off with coworker and submit that I haven't felt this jealous over anything in a long time. MGD & I have never had people based jealousy problems in our relationship, just beer based jealousy.
  • Replied with final TM, a picture of me holding a sign stating 'I will do dirty, unspeakable things to you in Chicago in 2 weeks in exchange for DFHead souvenirs'.

it's still American Craft Beer Week but I'm currently on a TWO week(ish) countdown,
the pissed liBEERian

Super sneaky watch photo...

Monday, May 16, 2011

American Craft Beer Week - Dayholio Number Uno

Pissed LiBEERian's Log
Star Date 88372.37
We have entered the American Craft Beer Week Sector on a most critical mission:

Drink Craft Beer.

Day 1 of American Craft Beer Week. My celebration to recognize this momentous occasion consisted of drinking a Lagunitas Hairy Eyeball Ale while watching Disney's Tangled. For those of you who yearn to live vicariously through me and my oh-so-crazy life, here's your big chance!

It deserves to be noted that Maui Brewing Company is now my neighbor on the Facebook game 'Treasure Isle'. We're tight like that, we harvest each other's gem trees. Mahahahahahahahalo.

 what did YOU do for American Craft Beer week today?
the pissed liBEERian


I'd just like to say a big fat "Thank You" (also known as Suck It) to the Blogger site for having a random crash last week which erased all of my work in progress that was supposed to be a May Events posting. It was going to come out later than I wanted it to no matter what, but I did my total bestest to make the last 1/2 of May seem super eventful and exciting. This is what you get instead:

Monday 16th thru Sunday 22nd - American Craft Beer Week. Celebrate it. Organized events going on all over, is a great promoter and resource of this celebration.

Thursday 18th thru Sunday 29th - Seattle Beer Week. Title is mostly self explanatory but same deal. Celebrate it. Click here for a list of events. According to my oh-so-accurate-insight-into-all-things-beer-event-related... it's gonna be off the hook.

In both celebratory cases, I am going to try and participate in a multitude of ways. I'm a whore for themes. They make everything more fun. National Sea Monkey Day (5/16) resulted in an hour of important research during my day, for example. Note: Please don't attempt to dispute the authenticity of this event, it just IS. Mmmkay?! Kay.

I don't have the energy or the time to recreate all the events I listed but feel free to check back here, because I'll probably add some things at a later date. There ARE 15 fun filled days left in May! Random things worth checking out:

Tuesday 17th - Airways Brewing Night @ Tides Tavern (6-9p, Gig Harbor) They'll be serving their Triple Chocolate Stout, Sky Hag IPA, First Class IPA & T-Tail Blonde. The whole lovely gang (as I know it to be anyways) will be there to serve up some brews along with schwag. Sunshine optional.

Thursday 19th - 2010 Dogfish Head World Wide Stout and 120 Minute IPA will be on tap at a location in Seattle. I'm not sure I want to reveal where yet, in case it effects my chance to get some... Maybe if enough people bug me (who aren't willing to do the research themselves) I'll decide to disclose the location. (EDIT: Okay... it'll be pouring at UBER Tavern starting at 4p. I can't go now, so you might as well.)

Sunday 22nd - Iron Brewer Competition at Beveridge Place Pub (5-8p, Seattle) BPP chooses the ingredients, they brew the beer. This year will feature Elliott Bay vs. Georgetown, Fremont vs. Two Beers, & Big Al vs. Black Raven. Ingredients include: cucumber, wasabi, cedar, sesame, plum & yuzu.

Permanent - 2 extra taps @ The Red Hot. (Anytime, Tacoma) Dropped the ball on several events that Chris emailed me about. You know, events that I specifically asked him to keep me in the know on so I could add it to a blog like this. Which he did and I didn't. They had 13 taps, now they have 15. It's worth knowing & now you do.

yes please, May I have another?
the pissed liBEERian

You may have noticed that I rarely post pictures of myself that don't look good/flattering. Tonight I will make an exception but not without explanation.
I hate this picture of myself. I'm wearing my 'not amused' face.
However, it's a cutesy couple picture & it kind of makes me miss (outta town for uber long time) MGD even more.
Plus the 'not amused' look works well with my feelings toward Blogger at the moment.

Photography courtesy of Basil

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cos I'm TNT, I'm dyn-o-mite!

Howyagoing!? The Real MGD here, standing in for the PL on this momentous occasion: the TNT blog preceding the one year anniversary of the blessed event. As a lifetime member of CAMRA, I'm stoked that Tacoma has such a motivated group of publicans and Real Ale drinkers who dreamt this baby up and executed it.

While the taplist for the March TNT was a bit uninspiring, I showed up at the Park Way in the late afternoon with a full head of steam and decided that I'd make an effort to get around to all participating pubs this time around, come hell or Pissed LiBEERian.

The PW were their usual welcoming selves and I sipped a DFH Aprihop while awaiting the arrival of my better half who was working until 1800. Once joined up and fueled up, we headed off to The Red Hot to see what the Iron Horse Oak-Aged IPA was all about.

Photographic documentation of the PL's entrance led to the discovery of a stealthy interloper. I have no idea who or what this thing is, but am fairly certain that if the PL had seen it she would have soon been parts per million. My best guess is that the Cheshire Cat shagged a waterlogged Gremlin.

The atmosphere at TRH was pretty relaxed and the Iron Horse IPA was pretty reasonable while the Aprihop was a bit disappointing. DFH apparently have changed the formula this year and it’s not for the better IOHO. But we had things to meet and people to do, and the Cheshire Gremlin was still stalking the back of my mind, so we strolled down to Engine House No.9 for a pint of their Amarillo IPA on cask.

One whiff gave me the chills: butterscotch all the way, which is usually a bad sign in the nose of an IPA. Butterscotch or popcorn butter is a marker of infection or contamination and is to be avoided at all costs.

We quickly headed off to The Swiss, eager to put memories of ale confections behind us. The Swiss was its usual relaxed Monday night self and, as has been the pattern developing over the past year-plus, showing off some interesting ales in addition to the featured Hale’s Dry-Hopped Mongoose. As a bonus, we ran into my good mate and the guy I love to lock for, Jerry the Nomad Prop.

 Next stop was Doyle's and the Fullers was tasty but fairly routine at this point, especially after Swiss goodness.

  As all roads (in the world of the PL & myself) lead to Park Way, we finished off our night with a 2nd stop in.

SJ serving up pints from the Randall
TNT ='s 2 thumbs up from Justin

Dragging the PL away from the Park Way, never an easy task.
I mean seriously, can you blame her? Check out the taplist.
The announced brews for the 1st anniversary of TNT, hit it up in your mouth hole tonight at 6p:

Red Hot - Everybody's Brewing Dry-Hop Country Boy IPA
Parkway - Everybody's Brewing Imperial IPA
Doyle's - Fullers ESB
Swiss - Pike Dry-Hop Double IPA
E9 - E-9 Imperial Bourbon Barrel Stout

Tap Night Tacoma, it's better than a punch in the junk.

kind of a big deal,
The Real MGD
(with permission of the pissed liBEERian)

Photography & Writing by The Real MGD
Reading, approving, laughing & thanking by The Pissed LiBEERian

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Anniversary Tap Night! Only 1 spanking?

It's 7p on Sunday evening and it's also Mother's Day. In 23 hours, Tap Night Tacoma will be celebrating their 1 Year Anniversary. A mother of an event. An occasion in Tacoma that starts promptly at 6p on the 2nd Monday of every month. Where deliciousness is consumed by the pint, in the form of cask ales.

The lineup looks good, not sure if I'll be attending this round due to extenuating circumstances but I hope the peoples of the 253 & beyond can make a good showing. Stay tuned for (what's sure to be) an amazing write up on the evening MGD & I took the plunge and did the entire rounds.

Which might not seem like a big deal since there are usually 5-6 cask beers involved, depending on how many locations participate. But think about it, we went to Parkway and Red Hot so you know there were more than just the featured cask ale consumed.

Made for quite the endeavor and a somewhat arduous journey, but we have photo documentation to prove it was accomplished. We're kind of rock stars like that.

technically the 2 of us,
the pissed liBEERian & the real mgd
(it's official now, we announced it on facebook)