Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Calling all Bacchanalians!!

You may already know that Beveridge Place Pub's Barleywine Bacchanal is happening right now. MGD & I chose to spend our loverly rainy Sunday afternoon there last weekend and tasted the following barleywines:

Anacortes Old Sebastes '08, '09, '10 (Vertical Tasting)
Alaskan Barleywine '08, '09, '10 (Vertical Tasting)
Stone Belgo Old Guardian '10
Left Hand Oaked Widdershins '10 (more smoked than oaked. Most know I'm not a smoked beer fan and thnx MGD for letting me taste it before giving me a heads up on the smokiness so I could make the sexiest face EVER as I tried to swallow it down.)
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot '09
Boulder Killer Penguin '09
Seven Seas Wheelchair '10 (MGD thought there was a hint of cotton candy in the wheelchair and don't get me wrong, I thoroughly trust his evaluations and opinions on beer. It did prompt me to ask 'Have you even had cotton candy before?')
Flying Dog Horndog '09
Naked City Cluster Cuss '10 (Could have been so much funnier if it was called the Cluster Fuck, IMO)
Speakeasy Old Godfather '09

I would like to add a small disclaimer at this time. I know it seems like I'm kind of a (huge) lush with how many beer events I attend. It is a lot, agreed. However I am there to enjoy our local establishments while promoting craft beer. I usually drink & share schooner sized brews with my fwends/minions so more options can be tasted. (It's not about drinking to excess) Same case at BPP with the Barleywine event. Everything I listed above that we tasted was served in a 4-6oz glass and shared between MGD & myself. We walked to dinner at some point, picked a DD amongst ourselves, then came back for a few rounds of UNO while the non-DD enjoyed another barleywine or two before calling it a night.

The Beveridge Place Pub Barleywine Bacchanal officially goes from February 25th thru March 5th, so feel free to swing by anytime before Sunday. Many a Barleywine on tap (24!!) with special events going on the rest of the week.

Tuesday 1st (tonight!) - Party Like It's 2007!: Several 2007 vintage barleywines that won't be available again.
Wednesday 2nd - Pairs: Two years worth of brew from Fish, Elysian and North Coast.
Thursday 3rd - Rare Keg!: Port Townsend Bourbon Barrel~aged Barleywine from 2008.
Friday 4th & Saturday 5th - KILL the KEG!: Kill the keg, win a prize! (I wonder if it involves a blindfold, spinning around then being handed a bat...)

Multiple visits strongly encouraged,
the pissed liBEERian

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